sexta-feira, 10 de julho de 2015

AUDI - Nova Fábrica no Brasil

Devido ao grande sucesso das marcas de veículos premium no Brasil, as 4 maiores revendedoras no país estão com projetos em andamento de instalação de fábricas: Jaguar Land Rover, Audi, BMW e Mercedez.

A AUDI está reimplantando sua fábrica no Paraná, onde hoje já existe uma linha de montagem do Golf (VW). Abaixo você pode ver as principais informações do projeto da alemã, subsidiária da VW.

v Location: São José dos Pinhais – Paraná.

v Inauguration: September 2015.

v Civil Construction: plant already built in Brazil and used by VW since 1999 for production of the Golf and A3 Hatch (discontinued). Lines: body frame, painting and assembly. Parts storage building under construction. The new line of A3 uses the same Golf platform. Area: 305 K m2.

v Total Plant Headcount: 350 people.

v Investments: R$ 500 Millions.

v Vehicles and Capacity: (just local market – not expected exportation)

o A3 Sedan: 16 K veh (start sept/15)

o Q3: 10 K veh (2016).

§ TOTAL: 26 K Vehicles / Year   (1,5 K in 2015 e 15 K in 2016)

v Market Share Expectation: about 30% (total market about 100 mil veh / year)

o Dealers: 50 by the end of 2015 and 70 dealerships by 2020.

v Structure:

o Strong synergy with VW Brazil.

o Headcount Production: 4 buyers + 1 Manager.

v Imported Parts (no local sourcing foreseen):

o Large stamping parts of the body (Europe or Mexico suppliers).

o Engine High Range (for example 1.8).

o Automatic Transmission.

v Local Parts:

    TBC: to be confirmed

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